Have a Happy Fourth of July!

July 4, 2020

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Happy Fourth of July!

I hope you’re enjoying your summer so far.  It’s been a busy month in our home and I’m sure the same is true for yours as well.

Though this will be a year that will go down in history, let’s continue to find ways to connect with our family and friends!

Things are slowly starting to come back, even though we keep experiencing ups and downs with closures.  It’s encouraging to know how many people I come in contact with who are working hard to push through this phase with optimism and perseverance!  It’s no easy task.

Independence Day is a very meaningful time to reflect on our history and remember why we are able to enjoy the freedoms we have.  I found a good article that discusses some of the history of the Fourth of July that I think you will enjoy.  Give it a quick read below.

As you probably know, I provide Real Estate and Mortgage services.  Interest rates have been at historic lows, and I’m proud to help my clients refinance their loans to get in a better financial situation.  One of my top lenders just came out with some very competitive programs and it is helping people save thousands of dollars in interest and payments.  Our veteran financing(VA) is also amazing!

Here’s a quick review I just received:

“Ryan helped us refi last month – not only great service and prompt answers to my (many) questions, but he delivered – An amazing rate and on schedule. Lot’s of people claim excellent service, but few actually deliver. Ryan does.”

Let me know if you’d like a quick mortgage comparison to see if I can save you some money as well!

As things continue to improve, you might have some questions about the local real estate market. Are homes selling? Where are prices right now?  For those of you considering selling your home you may be wondering, ‘What’s the selling process given the restrictions still in place? How are people still shopping for new homes with all of the red tape?’

Getting answers to these questions is crucial if you plan to move this summer or fall. But, even if it’s just for curiosity, it’s always good to stay up to date on what’s happening in the real estate market.

I can help.

I have the latest information and data released by many reputable Real Estate analytics companies, and would be happy to provide you with any answers and advice you may need.  I’m constantly reviewing properties, values and watching what is going on.  After all, it’s my job and I’m passionate about the subject!

So, when you have questions, please feel free to reach out to me. I’m happy to help!

In Your Service,

Ryan Trader
Realtor – License # 01441131

Loan Officer – NMLS# 1948061

CalState Realty Services (DRE #01821025)

C2 Financial Corporation (NMLS #135622)