Life is Precious

January 29, 2020


As I sit here thinking about my beautiful wife Kelly, and our two amazing sons, Levi and Luke, I am humbled and reminded of how precious life is.  We hear so many times that, “We are not promised tomorrow”, or, “Hold your family close, because tomorrow is not guaranteed”, etc.  Though I believe these are very helpful reminders and the intent is good, I’m more interested in having a consistent awareness of the frailty of life and living with a grateful and hopeful outlook.  This is a challenge when the busyness of life can be so distracting.  It is truly a mindset and intentional awareness that allows us to embrace the moment and be present.

Like many others, I’ve experienced the loss of loved ones and people that I know.  It is extremely hard, and nothing can really prepare you for it.

There was a brief moment when we were confronted with the possibility of losing our firstborn son, Levi.  It was more than I wanted to experience but it was very real and very scary.

While my 5 month old baby was being X-rayed for the possibility of a rare intestinal complication called, “Intussusception”, I stood behind a barrier looking through a window asking God to spare my precious boy and for there to be nothing serious or life threatening.  In that moment, I again realized that there is nothing more precious than life.  I would’ve paid ANY price or done ANYTHING in my “power” to heal him or save him.  He was, after all, our long awaited son who we had been praying for, for the last 14 years.

Thankfully, he was able to have a fairly simple procedure and have the corrective action taken immediately.  The risk was low for what had to be done(which never feels good, regardless), and we had an experienced doctor with 30 years and hundreds of these under his belt.  It was a potentially life threatening issue if it had not been corrected.

Once I read more about this issue, I found out that other families were not as fortunate as ours and my heart sank.  This could have ended so much worse!  My gratitude was raised and so was my empathy for other people I don’t even know.

It doesn’t take much to realize how quickly things can change and what REALLY matters.!  What is REALLY valuable.  What is REALLY precious.

Things can be replaced.  Money can be made.  Buildings can be rebuilt, but life can NEVER be replaced.  It is the most precious and valuable gift we have in this world.

People matter.  Relationships matter.  Life matters.

This is not to be a lecture or guilt filled message, but a reminder to myself and hopefully an encouragement for you as well.

You matter to me and I know you matter to so many others you come in contact with.

May we be more aware of how precious life is and show others love and respect as we journey through this together!

Much Love,

Ryan Trader