With love, from our family to yours!

May 8, 2020

Hello Friends & Family,

It’s taken me a while to figure out how to write this, but I wanted to reach out and connect with you.

With so many uncertainties at this time, I’m so thankful for all of you and the community of friends and family that we have.

From our family to yours, I want to extend our love and support through the many challenges we are all facing, in so many different ways.

Like so many of you, we have already experienced some of the fears, frustrations and stress from the potential spread and effects that COVID-19 has already had.  Whether you are just trying to find parking and get some groceries, navigate changing work schedules, potential (and actual) job loss, school cancellations, social distancing, quarantines or major economic swings, etc…IT’S A LOT TO PROCESS!

I believe we WILL overcome this, and this WILL be a season that we look back on one day with many mixed emotions and lessons.

I’ve seen so much love, support and care from others, and it’s been refreshing. We have neighbors who regularly check in to see if we need anything from the grocery store, which has been a huge help!  It makes me aware of the “small” ways we can be mindful of others and make a difference.

What are the “small”, or “big”, opportunities in front of us that we may be able to lend a helping hand?

Here are a couple of resources to check out:

1. U.S. Stimulus Payment info:

2. School meals for children, senior resources and food bank resources: https://www.northcoastchurch.com/covid-19-resources/#1584497329784-33400536-64dc

3. InstaCart: https://www.instacart.com

4. My 3 year old, Levi, recommends this for an online learning app:

5. The wildly popular video calling app: https://zoom.us

6. And a fun video from our 2019 family Idyllwild trip, on my YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/JjMjXyMkij0

It may sound trite, but one of the small ways that I can truly help others, as a full-time Loan Officer and Realtor, is by giving advice to you or someone you know (especially with the market volatility).

I’ve spoken with many people who have questions about the pros and cons(there are cons), of doing a forbearance – delaying mortgage payments.  Others who want updated market info to decide if it’s a good time to buy, sell, or hold tight.  And some who are trying to navigate the interest rate fluctuations we’ve been experiencing.  I’m always happy to have a conversation with anyone about their Real Estate questions.

My heart goes out to you and your family and I appreciate who you are, and what you mean to our family.

In Your Service,

Ryan Trader
Realtor – License # 01441131
Loan Officer – NMLS# 1948061

CalState Realty Services | C2 Financial Corporation (NMLS# 135622)
858-367-9192 (call or text)